Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Be Prepared for the Unexpected!

Wow, what an exciting time Day 3 turned out to be! Today was one of those days that proves that the library is never boring. Between the rain, the copier and the costume, it was a great day. KH, another fellow FSUer, asked me to help her make her Jellyfish costume that she is going to wear when she launches the Summer Reading Program at the area schools. The name we decided on? Peanut Butter Ann Jellyfish:) Get it?

Mostly, today was spent on Learning Objective #2, with observing (and even assisting a little) in the Word 1 and Excel 1 computer classes. When I asked M about what his biggest piece of advice to me would be for teaching these classes, he said without a doubt, to be flexible! You have to be okay with the unexpected and be able to think on your feet, and oh boy how true that was. For the Excel class that evening, only one person showed up. Fine, not a problem he began teaching. The student had just begun to use Excel heavily at work and so had some really good questions about tips that would make their life easier. It took some playing around, but we found the answer! It even turned out to be lucky that they were the only one to show, since it allowed us to take a field trip at the end of class.

Being flexible wasn't the only lesson I learned from observing the two classes. 2) It is important to be familiar enough with the material that you are not reading the script word per word. 3) To know where to find the answers if you don't know them. 4) Don't be scared, if they are there, they want to learn.

If everyone learns something new and has one "Aha!" moment, it was a class well spent. I am, by no means a beginner user of Word or Excel, but even I had a few "WOW!" moments myself:)

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